Don’t Come If…

Please call and change your appointment if you are contagious in any way.  Sometimes, when we are sick, it can be hard to tell whether or not an appointment should be kept or cancelled.

We need our staff to be healthy to continue caring for all of our clients.  If there is a chance you can pass what you have to any of our staff, we respectfully request that you call the clinic to either reschedule your appointment or change to a virtual option (when possible). 

Here is a brief, non-inclusive list of conditions that we require you to stay home and get healthy before attending our facility in person:

Conditions not appropriate for in person treatment

Pink Eye
Chicken Pox
Head Lice
Blister-Phase of Shingles
Flu-like Symptoms
Viral Infection
(COVID, flu, RSV, etc.)

If you have athlete’s foot or plantar’s warts, please keep your shoes on.

We do use hospital grade disinfectant on all of our surfaces between clients. We have minimal fabric in the clinic to help us keep things clean. If our practitioners pick up something contageous, they are not allowed to come into work. The clinic does not want to risk other people becoming ill. If you have another condition that is highly contageous and is not appropriate to be in public or at work, it is not appropriate to come into our facility, either.

Please respect this policy.

For most professions, virtual care is available!

Contact Us

1455 Rose Street Regina, SK

Please feel free to visit our online booking system.
You will see availability, prices and options for all of our professionals.