Medically Oriented Gym (MOG)

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The Brownstone Health facility space of over 6700 square feet incorporates a full-function gym. We refer to our gym as “medically-oriented”, helping people with varying conditions in varying degrees of health and fitness. Our classes are small- this means you have someone watching you closely, correcting alignment and teaching technique. You won’t feel out of place or as though you can’t keep up, because your university trained instructor is right beside you! Workouts are varied, scaled, and in a comfortable, encouraging environment.

We have licensed trainers with Kinesiology degrees that can provide one-on-one, partner or small group workout sessions based on your schedule. Our therapists will happily review gym technique with you, as appropriate, to ensure that you are performing your exercises in the most efficient and correct manner.

Virtual Possibilities

Covid-cautious? Immunocommpromised? Family to protect? We hear you. In fact, some of us that work at the clinic are you. Or maybe you are feeling under the weather, but still want to participate in exercise therapy. Whatever your situation, we can try to help.

Email to start conversation.

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1455 Rose Street Regina, SK

Please feel free to visit our online booking system.
You will see availability, prices and options for all of our professionals.